From Rosebud ...

... to Hyde Park

Well we were certainly busy in the medal room at Recherche's SERVICE MEDALS MELBOURNE - check out the posts as we steadily made our way through the promises.
30th March
New orders always welcomed, but we can no longer guarantee completion of
medal mounting before ANZAC DAY 2015 - watch for updates here ...
3rd April
Hoping we'll be able to take on new orders for completion before ANZAC Day
but we're still not promising yet.
7th April
We regret we are currently unable to promise finishing any new medal mounting orders
for before ANZAC Day. Next UPDATE April 14
Last week before ANZAC DAY
To enquire if we can assist you before ANZAC Day please call (03) 9486 1236
or email your request to
Pick up from Northcote only.
So many people so very keen to wear their medals or wear those of their family member in the many marches held around the world.
Quite a privilege to be a little involved in their stories and so great to see the result of our labours being worn on the day.
Thank you for the photographs and the stories from the day,
appreciated very much.